Friday, October 1, 2010

Two trailing spouses

Ever wonder what a day in the life of an ordinary 'housewife' entails?

We are Lu and Tiff, two average Australian women who have recently quit our jobs, said goodbye to our family and friends and packed up our comfortable lives in Australia to follow our husbands to the other side of the world - The Netherlands (flatland) and Switzerland (not-so-flatland). Our better halves (or are they???) have been friends since their early undergraduate days at university, not only completing their PhDs together, but now also working on the same project in Europe.

Being intrepid travelers from way back, we both jumped at the opportunity to experience everyday life in a different culture and soon found ourselves stay at home housewives in countries where neither of us speak the language. Even though we found ourselves sacrificing our days as 21st century women, we delighted in the thought of embracing our inner housewife.

From flatland to not-so-flatland, two housewives unite - welcome to Trailing Spouses :-)

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